Mark 7:25-30
In Mark 7:25-30 is a record of Jesus healing a Gentile girl because of the faith of the girl’s mother. In the conversation that Jesus had with this woman, He states in Mark 7:27 (NKJV), “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” It is believed that the “children” Jesus refers to are the children of Israel, and the “little dogs” are in reference to the Gentiles. This may seem a harsh way for Jesus to refer to a people group, but this is believed to be a common reference to Gentiles by the Israelites during this time in history. The important thing to notice here is that Jesus healed a Gentile because of the faith of one interceding for the one in need. Jesus came first for the salvation of Israel but would also provide a way of salvation for all people, Jews and Gentiles alike. The Apostle Paul declares in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
This is a promise and example that Jesus came to save all who would put their faith in Him, Jew and Gentile/Greek.
Jesus made a point in Mark 7:27 to let it be known that He came first to save God’s chosen people Israel. But He also makes a point that He does not turn anyone away who exhibits a sincere faith in Him. This helps us to understand that God came to give a reward of salvation to His people Israel but that as all people are God’s created beings, He came to save us all – all who will believe in Him. Israel, in the Old Testament, is God’s choice of making an example of a nation for all the other nations to see His power. Israel was not chosen to be God’s people because they were such a great and deserving people, but just the opposite; if God could make an example for all nations to see His power and strength shining through a disobedient people – the Israelites – then the hopeful is that all the other nations would see what great things God has done through this people and they too would put their faith in Him. I encourage you to read the book of Exodus to see for yourself the hard-headed, disobedient people that the Israelites were while in direct view of God’s great power and guidance through their escape from captivity and journey to the promised land while God led them by way of His servant Moses. If God can save Israel, He can save you too.
Dear LORD,
We are thankful for Your dedication to save all people, not just Israel, from sin. We learn from the woman’s persistency that true faith will not stop believing. Please help us to have this kind of faith in our Savior Jesus to heal us and save us for eternity. In Jesus name I pray, amen.