Mark 6:35-44


Mark 6:35-44

The disciples of Jesus have retreated to a deserted place to get some rest (Mark 6:31).  But as they departed by boat to cross the sea, the multitude ran around the sea and met them there.  As evening was sitting in, the disciples of Jesus became concerned for the multitude in having something to eat, so they came to Jesus to request that He send them away to go into the surrounding towns to get some food.  The question here is not that they could not have departed and all went home at this time, but that they were intent on staying with Jesus and His disciples.  With this in mind, Jesus’ disciples realized the need to feed them all with no means of doing so.

But Jesus has a different idea as He has never sent anyone away from Him, but openly receives all who come to Him.  Jesus “commands” (Mark 6:39, NKJV) His disciples to feed them.  They obviously have not the means to do so and question Jesus as to the means by which He intends for them to accomplish this task (Mark 6:37).  Jesus then requests for an inventory of the food that they do have, and then instructs His disciples to divide the multitude into groups and sit down.  What Jesus did next is the key to the miracle that is about to take place.  “41And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among them all.  42So they all ate and were filled.  43And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish.  44Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men” (Mark 6:41-44).  Jesus did not simply break the bread that continually broke into many parts as He gave it to His disciples to distribute to the multitude, but He, in His physical body on earth, looked to heaven and set the example for us to follow by giving all credit to His heavenly Father.  Jesus continually, throughout His earthly ministry, indicates that He can only do and say what the Father gives Him.  Jesus declares in John 5:19, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”


This is an example of the power of the Father in heaven working through the Son.


The reasons for this miracle, as debated by the scholars, provide enough evidence for a whole different lesson on this topic.  But they range from God simply showing His power through His Son, to being representative of the twelve tribes of Israel in the twelve basketfuls of leftovers unto the acceptance of the new covenant people of God being represented by the mixture of Jews and Gentiles that were present in the multitude.  All of which reflect the power of God working through His One and only Son Jesus to provide for everyone who will come to Him.  The takeaway here is that God does not send anyone away – He accepts and cares for all who will come to Him; He saves us from sin and will never let Satan tear us away from Him for all who will put their faith in Him.  You may feel God speaking to your heart today for the first time; He is asking you if you would like Him to save you too.  Open your heart to Jesus today and be forgiven for all your sins – even the ones that you need His help to forgive yourself for – and He will help you if you will believe in His power to do so.


Dear LORD,

This great miracle that You performed through Your One and only Son Jesus of feeding many thousands of people with only five loaves of bread and two fish was to show us Your great power to take care of us all and to not turn anyone away that comes to You in sincerity of heart believing in You.  Please help us to believe in Your healing power even for the things that we have trouble forgiving ourselves for – that in Christ all things are possible unto those who will put their faith in You.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.