Mark 1:32-34


Mark 1:32-34

In Mark 1:32-34 Jesus takes yet another step in revealing His purpose for ministry.  He has already shown His power over unclean/evil spirits (Mark 1:21-28), and even the power to take away sickness (Mark 1:29-31).  Word has spread about this great healer (Mark 1:28) and while all these things have taken place in one day, by evening the whole city had gathered at the door of Simon and Andrew’s house with the demon-possessed and the sick to be healed by Jesus (Mark 1:32-33).  Jesus was not overwhelmed by the vast number of people who had come to be healed by Him, but He took compassion on them and healed them.  But we also learn in Mark 1:34 that Jesus did not allow the demons that He cast out to speak, and we also learn why – “because they knew Him” (NKJV).  This may seem odd as if they knew Jesus, they could possibly be testimonials of His being the Son of God.  But God’s great plan of salvation for humanity is larger than we can fathom.  If He had allowed the demons to testify of His deity, then we could deduct that the people would have recognized Jesus as God incarnate, which would have been great, right?  If this would have happened, then the people would have exalted Jesus and made Him King and His crucifixion would have never taken place – Jesus would never have died for our sins, which was His ultimate goal in becoming the form of a human – to save us from sin.


This is an example of the compassion in healing that Jesus has for humanity.

This is a promise that God will fulfill His great plan of redemption for humanity.

This is an example of the humility of God and His great compassion for humanity.


God knows what He is doing; He always has.  As Jesus began His ministry, He presented Himself to a people in need of healing, both physical and spiritual, and He healed them.  This was done so that He could be an example to the world of His great healing power to save us from sickness and the wiles of the devil.  The humility that God shows us through the life of Jesus, being God Himself in the form of a human, is a lesson that we all should learn from; if God can humble Himself to save us, should we not open our hearts to Him in humble submission to Him for coming to save us?  I believe we should, and I believe that you should too.  It will be the greatest thing you will ever do, and the only thing that you can do unto salvation – make the choice to accept it – in Christ Jesus.  I pray that you will do that today.


Dear LORD,

We are beginning to see Your great compassion for us as Your great creation.  But we have fallen away from Your grace in sin.  We are in need of Your healing today, just as was the people of the region of Galilee that we are studying about in the Gospel of Mark.  Please pour out Your healing power on us too as we open our hearts to You in humility to receive Your forgiveness and healing through putting our faith in Jesus, our Savior and the Savior of the world.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.