Mark 1:16-18


Mark 1:16-18

Sometimes we overlook the simple things of the teachings of Jesus.  In Mark 1:16 we find one of these moments as the Bible states, “And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee,”.  The Bible is about to teach us something of more importance, but the simplicity of taking a walk is noted in the acts of Jesus.  Before He called His first two disciples, Simon (Peter) and Andrew, He took a walk.  We can think what we want about this walk and what Jesus was doing while walking along the seashore, but I believe He was possibly talking with His heavenly Father, taking notice of the beauty of His earthly creation in nature, or simply enjoying the day and the peace that can be found if one takes the time to seek it.  He may have been enjoying the excitement of the moment as He was about to pick His first two humans to teach and prepare for ministry, knowing that His earthly ministry of saving the world from sin was finally becoming a reality.

But then Jesus came upon Simon and Andrew as they were fishing in the Sea of Galilee (Mark 1:16b).  He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17, (NKJV).  In Mark 1:18 we learn of the proper response to the calling of Jesus, “They immediately left their nets and followed Him.”


This is an example of a peaceful calling of Jesus on one’s life to follow Him.


We have two valuable lessons in today’s Bible study: the first is to get out and take a walk with nature.  It does not have to be by the sea, which is nice if you are located in a place that allows that, but simply take a walk; talk to God while walking; take notice of the beauty that God has created around you, even in places where you might not think to find it for God created all things.  And the second is the proper response to the call of Jesus on your life.  Simon and Andrew did not hesitate; they did not say to one another, “Lets talk about this for a moment and weigh our options.”  They simply left what they were doing and followed Jesus.  They went all in.  Jesus repeats the words of God in Matthew 22:37-40 from His speaking to Moses in Deuteronomy 6:5 stating, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”  And in Leviticus 19:18 as God declares, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  And at the very end of Leviticus 19:18 is a comment that leaves no question as to who makes the rules as if to declare Himself over our own thoughts and desires, God states, “I am the LORD.”  God is our Creator; God is the One who makes the rules; it is our responsibility to make the necessary changes in our lives to abide in humble sincerity to His will for our lives.  We do not make the rules – God does.  Answer the call of God on your life today and submit to His ways, and He will make you a fisher of men as He did with Simon and Andrew as they too went all in to Jesus.


Dear LORD,

Please help us to find the time to take a peaceful walk with You and talk with you and notice the beauty that You have created all around us.  Please help us during this time to clear our minds so that we may see You working in our lives and learn to follow Your will for our lives instead of our own will.  Please give us peace as we take a few moments to walk with You and open our hearts, souls, and strength to be filled with the peace that only comes through salvation in Christ Jesus.  And Jesus, when You call us to You, please help us to see the importance of going all in as we put and keep our faith in You.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.