2 Corinthians 7:8-12


2 Corinthians 7:8-12

We have seen in past lessons of the corrective criticism that the Apostle Paul has been giving to the congregation/saints of the church at Corinth.  He explains in 2 Corinthians 7:8-12 that the sorrow they may have experienced due to his teaching/leading them is not to be for loss, but for conviction of the heart that leads them to repentance, and in turn, their repentance leads them to salvation in Christ Jesus which is a good thing worthy of rejoicing.


This is an example of corrective criticism leading to godly sorrow (which shows sincerity of heart) and then leads to repentance and unto salvation in Christ Jesus.


Godly conviction is God’s Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts – our innermost being, leading us to a knowledge of our sin with a conviction of it and a leading to sorrow for it.  Then we are ready to repent/turn from our sinful lives with a humbled and sincere heart to God in our repentance – to ask God for forgiveness, sincerely, and open our hearts to God’s Holy Spirit to come into our lives and cleanse us from our sins in fulfilling the promise of salvation in our lives through the gift that Jesus offers us by the work that He did for us in dying on the cross innocently, paying the price for all sin that whosoever would believe in Him and profess Him Savior would be set free from sin (John 3:16-17; Romans 10:9-10).  If you have already taken these steps, then you are a child of God; and if you are ready to take these steps, you are ready to become a child of God.  The sorrow that you feel is godly sorrow calling you to repentance.  The joy that you are about to feel in salvation through Christ Jesus, and the rejoicing that you are about to do are the results of becoming a child of God.  Welcome to God’s family – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

This prayer is for all those who are ready to become Your children through salvation by taking these steps listed above to turn from sin and begin a new life of forgiveness and seeking, following, and living in Your will for them.  Thank You LORD for all who have taken these steps to salvation in Christ Jesus.  Let us all rejoice in the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus our Savior!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.