1 Corinthians 7:12-16
The Apostle Paul begins 1 Corinthians 7:12 with the words, “But to the rest I, not the Lord, say:”. I believe it a rarity to receive information in the Bible that is not God-inspired but personal belief from the writer of the letter as I believe that all of the Bible is God inspired. In this case, Paul specifies that what is about to follow is his personal opinion. So we must take into consideration that the following advice is of Paul’s best interests in the eyes of God and dig in to understand the reason that Paul would include this advice.
In the time of the early church at Corinth was not only Christianity but other pagan religious groups that required specific rituals such as sacrificing animals, and in some cases, people/virgins to the gods. There were requirements to eat the meat that was sacrificed to these other gods and participate in reflecting these traditions in the home. For a Christian to be married to one such as this would bring into the home a contrast of events of belief that one cannot follow both and remain a Christian. Nor are the religious acts of the pagan acceptable for raising children in the Christian worldview. Paul, in his own opinion, is addressing such a situation with his advice for divorce. He adds that possibly the believer may lead the non-believer to turn from the pagan religious beliefs to following God and receiving the salvation that is provided in Christ Jesus, but it is also possible that the pagan may lead the Christian away from God. Paul advises that it is better to divorce than to live in this mixed-religious environment.
This is an example of living in a mixed-religious household.
In the early days of Christianity, it was important for the believers to separate themselves from the pagan/false gods and religious rituals. We, as Christians are to lead others to Christ Jesus by our example and sharing through our testimony how God is working in our lives and the blessings that God gives us through the good and the bad times. But we need to be concerned about the fact that the non-believer is going to try to pull us away from our beliefs in God and our Savior Jesus. Paul’s advice is that it is best to not put ourselves in this situation as Christians in marriage, but that we should follow in marriage the building up of one another in Christ Jesus which, as Christians, is the only way to support and lead each other – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
As we read and study the words of the Bible and take into consideration the advice of Paul’s own personal opinion, please help us to understand that this advice is in the best interest of the Christian in growing and developing in a marriage as is best fit in Your eyes. In Jesus name I pray, amen.