1 Corinthians 4:18-21


1 Corinthians 4:18-21

The Apostle Paul is urging – pleading with those in the congregation at the church in Corinth to develop an attitude that is Christ-like.  He has been giving them constructive criticism to guide them back onto the path of the gospel.  In 1 Corinthians 4:18-21 he makes known that he is aware that some of the “saints” at the church in Corinth are “puffed up” or what we might call “arrogant” (NIV) in that they do not believe that Paul is actually coming to see them; as if they do not need to listen to his teaching any longer, just as was the attitude of the wicked vinedressers in Matthew 21:33-44 so was the attitude of some of those in the church at Corinth; they were becoming arrogant and attempting to create their own gospel.  But Paul has received word about their attitudes and is striving – pleading with them to return to the path that is reflective of the gospel – of Jesus and striving to reflect Him.


This is an example of how easy it is to become arrogant in our own attitudes as the ways of this world creep in and distort our lives in Christ.


We too get “puffed up” or arrogant in our own minds as God leads us through His Holy Spirit to where He would have us, but we reply to God’s Holy Spirit working within us, “No, I’ve got this, I’ll want to do this my way.”  When we do this or act in this manner, we are refusing to let God work in our lives and lead us – the very thing in which we need to do, we are rejecting in our lives.  As Christians we are to follow God’s lead in our lives.  He leads us through His Holy Spirit – He tells us within our hearts – He helps us to be the people that He has designed each one of us to be in our own special distinct ways.  But we have to follow where He leads us, and we have to be open to stand up for Jesus…every day…in Christ.


Dear LORD,

The struggles that we face in this evil world and the trials that we face each day are difficult as the devil attacks us in every way he can.  We need Your help to guide us and lead us on the pathway that You have laid out for us.  We are weak but You are strong.  Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit in guidance and help us to have the courage to take each step – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.