Matthew 27:3-5
In Matthew 27:3-5 we learn that when Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, learned that Jesus had been condemned to death, went to the chief priests and elders in remorse for what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver for which he was given for betraying Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16) and realizing what he had done in, “betraying innocent blood” (Matthew 27:4, NKJV) went out and hanged himself.
This is an example of one realizing the presence of sin in their life, but not understanding that forgiveness is possible in Christ Jesus.
Judas committed a sin that none of us would ever think we would do; he betrayed the Savior of the world – Jesus. We look to Judas and, at least from my standpoint, place him in a category of sinner that is lost forever to hell, never to experience the forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus came to offer all who will believe in Him. But we too sin against our Savior and categorize our own sin as a lesser means for punishment. This is an incorrect way of thinking as the Apostle Paul teaches in Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I have yet to find a place in the Bible that describes one sin as being greater than another, outside of sinning against God’s Holy Spirit which is in itself refusing to open one’s heart to Jesus which is the means to receive God’s Holy Spirit into one’s heart through our faith, believing, professing, and receiving Jesus as our Savior. The only unforgivable sin is to refuse Jesus, but as long as you are alive physically there is still hope; it is only when one dies physically without receiving Jesus as Savior and His Holy Spirit into your heart that is unforgivable, because you are then physically dead and salvation in Christ Jesus is a decision that you must make while still yet living physically – it is a decision made in the physical world that determines where you will spend eternity. Have you made that decision for Christ Jesus? If not, will you do so today, and live – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
We know that Judas felt remorse for betraying Jesus, but we do not know if he asked Your forgiveness before the remorse overwhelmed him. We assume that he did not, but please help us to learn through this lesson that no matter what sin or sins we have committed in the past; You are a forgiving God who desires to give us forgiveness in and through Christ Jesus. But please help us to see that to receive Your forgiveness, we must come to You in remorse for our sins and believe that You will forgive us through the gift of life in Christ Jesus who You sent to save the world from sin – that means everyone who will ask, believe, and profess Jesus our Savior. Please let it be so LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.