Matthew 25:14-19
This parable of the talents told by Jesus consists of Matthew 25:14-30, but I want to break it down a little so that we can hopefully understand it better and not miss some very important parts. In this first part of the parable we will look at Matthew 25:14-19 as Jesus begins with the words, “For the kingdom of heaven is like”, and then goes on to explain that a man gave three of his servants different amounts of talents (which in this parable is a type of money used in the time of Christ’s physical ministry, but in relation to the lesson of the parable and the lesson that Jesus is teaching, is as the talents/abilities/gifts God gives each person in following His will for their lives). Two of the servants put their talents to work for their master and earned twice what they had begun with to present to him upon his return (Matthew 25:16-17), but the one did not utilize what he was given, but hid it, and had nothing to present to his master upon his return (Matthew 25:18-19).
This is an example that God gives us each talents that are specific to our individual calling in Christ Jesus.
This is an example that we are to utilize the talents the LORD gives us to bring glory to Him.
When we are saved through putting our faith in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are given talents that God designed specifically for each of us. Most of the time these talents are not in the field that we may initially think they should be; for example, God has given me a desire and talent in research and writing – something that I would never have guessed in a million years as it is simply not something that I have ever had a desire to do, but now I have a great passion for it in sharing God’s Word with you and everyone else in the world. I am growing and gaining a better realization and understanding of God’s will for my life to reach out to you through the internet as is our motto: “Sharing Jesus with the world.” Jesus teaches us in Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV), “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”
This is my calling in Christ Jesus; what is yours? And most importantly, are you exercising/putting into action the talents that God has given you?
Dear LORD,
Please help us to see that Your calling on our lives is a calling to action for Christ Jesus – to share the gospel with all the world. But You give us different talents to show Your love and caring through our lives so that You may be glorified through Your work in our lives. Please help us to see that we cannot work our way into heaven, but that through putting our faith in Christ Jesus and seeking Your will for our lives, and following it, You will give us work to do that will be rewarded with blessings beyond our imagination – in Christ! In Jesus name I pray, amen.