Matthew 24:23-28


Matthew 24:23-28

In Matthew 24:23-28 Jesus gives a warning against false christs that are sure to come.  He says that they will, “rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24, NKJV).  Jesus then in Matthew 24:25 reiterates the fact that He has given warning to this before it happens so that true believers will be aware of it when these false christs come.  Jesus then gives the best knowledge for knowing when He will return; He declares in Matthew 24:27, “27For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”


This is the proclamation in Jesus’ own words of how it will be when He returns.


When Jesus returns, we will not have time to call all our friends and family to announce it.  When Jesus returns, it will be as fast as the lightning flashing across the sky – and it will all be over.  Those who have believed in their hearts that God has raised Jesus from the dead and have professed with their mouths that Jesus is Lord, will be saved.  Those who have not will be lost to hell for eternity.  It is such a simple choice to make – a simple profession to make.  Choose Jesus today and be saved from the evils of hell.  Follow the advice and teaching of the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:9-10 and believe on the saving power of Jesus and profess Him to be your savior, and you will become a child of God – a child of His kingdom in heaven basking in His glory for eternity – in Christ!


Dear LORD,

We may feel like we have plenty of time to get our lives right with You and begin following Your will for our lives through the salvation You provide through the gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sin in Christ Jesus, but the time is not known when You will return for us and we need to be ready and spend the rest of our lives living as You would have us and doing as You would have us to do.  Please help us to see that before we can live our lives as You would have us to, we need to grasp the way, the truth, and the life that is only found in Jesus (John 14:6).  Please help us to believe – in Christ!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.