Matthew 20:29-34


Matthew 20:29-34

In Matthew 19:30 (NKJV) Jesus declares, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”  He repeats this statement in Matthew 20:16.  And in Matthew 20:29-34 is a great example of this statement.  As Jesus and His disciples departed Jericho, they passed by two blind men, and something very important happens as these blind men realize that Jesus is coming their way; they, “cried out, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!”

These blind men were sitting by the roadside waiting for someone to pass by and possibly offer them something as this was their only means to survival.  When they realized that Jesus was going to pass by, they realized that today was a very special day as the healer was coming to them.  They did not hesitate; they did not discuss the matter; they believed and they acted on their belief; they cried out to Jesus to heal them (Matthew 20:30).  The crowd, in their embarrassment, tried to quiet the two blind men but they cried out even louder, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!” (Matthew 20:31).  And then, in Matthew 20:32-34 the miracle of healing and life takes place as the Bible teaches us, “So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?”
They said to Him, “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.”


This is an example of the gift of God in Christ Jesus.

This is an example of truly believing in Jesus.

This is an example of the last being first and the first being last.


This healing of the blind by Jesus is so much more than just physically healing two men’s sight.  Their eyes were opened, and they followed Him.  In John 8:12 (HCSB) Jesus states, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”  In John 12:46 (ESV) Jesus declares, “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.”  There are many recordings in the Bible of Jesus healing the physically blind, and Jesus speaks many times on being the light of the world/receiving sight through believing in Him.  As we open our hearts to Jesus and ask His forgiveness for our sins and begin seeking God’s will for our lives, “believing” is the key to healing; not just physically but spiritually which leads to where we will spend eternity.


Dear LORD,

We are all born blind, and it is You who gives us sight as our eyes are opened as an infant.  We then begin to grow and see new things as a young child and continue to grow into adulthood.  This is the same as what Jesus spoke to Nicodemus as He instructed him in John 3:5-6 (NKJV), “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”  Please help us to believe in Your Almighty saving power through Your One and only Son Jesus so that we too may be healed for eternity in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.