Matthew 19:16-22


Matthew 19:16-22

In Matthew 19:16-22 a man comes to Jesus seeking what he must do to have eternal life.  A key note here is that the man asked Jesus what he himself could do to have eternal life.  Jesus then gave the biblical answer as is found in the Law that God gave to Moses in the Ten Commandments, which was given to show man what he must do to earn self-redemption as Jesus quoted from Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20; and Leviticus 19:18.  The young man replies to Jesus in Matthew 19:20 (NKJV), “All these things I have kept from my youth.  What do I still lack?”  The young man’s answer in that he has kept all the commandments is quite startling in that he is declaring that he has fulfilled the requirements of the Law, but yet, he realizes that something is missing as he also asks Jesus, “What do I still lack?” (Matthew 19:20b).  So Jesus gives this young man a task: to get rid of all his earthly possessions and give his proceeds to the poor.  Jesus instructs the young man that if he will do this, he will have treasure in heaven.  But Jesus adds one last thing that the young man must do to have eternal life; Jesus ends His instructions by telling the young man to “come, follow Me” (Matthew 19:21).  The Bible teaches us in Matthew 19:22 of how strongly the possessions of this world hold tightly to a man’s heart as the young man went away denying to follow Jesus because he had great possessions, or in other words, He was very rich and he could not let go of the earthly nature to gain the spiritual nature that is found only in surrendering all to Christ Jesus.


This is an example of the sacrifice one must make to receive eternal life.

This is a command to put Jesus first in our lives in obedience and submission to God.

This is an example of how Satan blinds us through the possessions of this world to keep us away from having the relationship with God that He desires for us to have – in Christ.

This is a command unto salvation and eternal life – in Christ Jesus.


This lesson; this teaching; this example is to show and teach us one thing: salvation and eternal life is more important than any earthly possessions that we may have.  It does not matter what earthly possessions we have, all things must be surrendered to God and total submission of the heart must be open to the cleansing of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives unto salvation.  We cannot serve God and seek His will for our lives as long as we put our earthly possessions before Him.  This does not mean that God will take everything from you before He will grant you salvation, but if you will allow God to have complete control of your life, He will make all things better – in Christ!


Dear LORD,

We are thankful for the things in this world that You have allowed us to have, but please help us to realize and understand that it is You that have given us these things and we should give You all praise, glory, honor, and thanksgiving for the earthly things that You have given us as we surrender all to You in Christ Jesus in our obedience and submission to You through our faith in Christ Jesus unto salvation and eternal life.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.