Matthew 11:2-6


Matthew 11:2-6

As Jesus began teaching and preaching along with His apostles and being the example that He has been teaching His disciples to be, He proves that He is the Messiah/Christ as some of the disciples of John the Baptist (whom has been imprisoned) come to seek the truth about Jesus (Matthew 11:2-3).  The answer that Jesus gives them is a fulfillment of the things found throughout the Old Testament Scriptures that speak of the Messiah that is to come (Matthew 11:4-6).  Jesus is being the example that James speaks of in James 2:18-19 – He is showing His faith by His deeds/works.


This is an example of being active in proving our faith through our deeds/works.


Just like Jesus needed to be active in showing the world that He is the One to come as He is spoken of throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, we too need to be active in showing our faith through our deeds/works.  We all have work to do for Jesus, and the rewards that He gives is so much more of blessings that we cannot experience through anything this world has to offer.  Jesus touches our hearts when we seek Him and His ways in our lives; He wants us to catch a glimpse of the joy we will find in heaven one day, but as He is faithful and just, He can only give us what our hearts truly desire.  If we are not seeking Him, we will not catch a glimpse of the glory that He so desperately longs to give us because these blessings are reserved for only those who are seeking a new life in the salvation that He provides.  Open your heart to Jesus today, and He will give you these blessings.  No matter what you have done in the past, Jesus wants to forgive you and welcome you into His family as a child of God.  He has already paid the price for your sins, and He awaits for you to ask for the blessings that He has for you – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

There are many people who feel as if they are not worthy to come to You and ask forgiveness.  There are many people who feel as if You would never forgive them for the sins that they have committed.  There are many people who feel as if they are lost in sin with no way out.  Please touch the hearts of these people today, right now, and give them the strength to lay their sins at the cross of Jesus as He has paid for the sins of us all, so that we may live a new life through being saved by Your grace and gift to all who will ask with a sincere heart.  Please help us to see that You have a new forgiven life for each of us that is full of blessings and peace – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.