Matthew 9:35-38


Matthew 9:35-38

As we move into Matthew 9:35-38, we need to take notice of the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus healing the demon-possessed man in Matthew 9:32-34.  In seeing this healing, “the multitudes marveled” (Matthew 9:33, NKJV), but the Pharisees claimed, “He cast out demons by the ruler of the demons” (Matthew 9:34).  The Pharisees should have been shepherding the multitudes, but instead were leading them away from God by not accepting Jesus as the Messiah.  Jesus has a divine mind, and He has a way of knowing the thoughts of those around Him.  He knew that the people were hungry for God to save them, and He knew that the Pharisees were hindering the people from having a personal relationship with God through His One and only Son Jesus.  The Bible teaches us in Matthew 9:36, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.”  Jesus then instructs His disciples to pray for the harvest, that God would “send our laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38).  Little did they know that they would be those laborers.


This is a call from Jesus to spread the gospel so others may too be added to the kingdom of heaven.


As we open our hearts to Jesus and accept the gift from God of forgiveness from our sins, we too become laborers for God – laborers for Christ.  There are many people in this world that are “scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36), and it is up to us as Christians to share the love God has given us with them.  God shines through our lives as Christians, through the kindness that we show to someone in need, or through sharing a story of how Jesus has changed our lives with someone who is curious about God.  We do not have to stand behind a pulpit to preach the gospel, we can share the gospel through our everyday lives by showing the love and kindness to others that God has first shown to us – in Christ!


Dear LORD,

The harvest is plentiful.  There are many people who have been scattered like sheep having no shepherd in the world today.  Please work through each of us through Your Holy Spirit to lead us to being the laborers of today, that we would lead others to Jesus through our lives – in Christ!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.