Matthew 9:27-31


Matthew 9:27-31

When Jesus left the house of the synagogue ruler, two blind men began to follow Him and beg Him to heal them.  We may ask, “How did the blind men know it was Jesus if they cannot see?”  But we are informed that the news of Jesus healing the synagogue ruler’s daughter was spread throughout “all that land” (Matthew 9:26, NKJV).  Jesus asks the two blind men a question, and then makes a command: In Matthew 9:28 Jesus asks the two blind men, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”  After the two blind men acknowledged that they believed in the healing power of Jesus, He commanded, “According to your faith let it be to you” (Matthew 9:29).  We then learn in the very next verse of Matthew 9:30, “And their eyes were opened.”


This is an example of the healing power of Jesus being unleashed on those who believe in Him.


It is very important that we take hold of the faith of the two blind men in today’s passage of Matthew 9:27-31.  It was according to their faith in Jesus that the healing was made possible.  They believed in Jesus and His divine power to heal them.  Jesus never healed anyone who did not believe in Him.  When God told Abram (Abraham) that he would have descendants numbering as the stars, while he was growing old and without any children, the Bible teaches us in Genesis 15:6 (HCSB), “Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.”  The Apostle Paul declares in Romans 1:8 (NIV), “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.”  In other words, they believed in Christ Jesus.  And Paul reaffirms the faith of Abraham in Romans 4:13 (ESV), “For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith.”  The healings, the promises, the people who were chosen by God to do great things were not chosen because they were great people, but because they all had great faith in God and in His power to send Jesus, His One and only Son, to provide salvation through believing – through our faith in Him – that is the requirement for righteousness.  What is our calling from God that is a universal calling to us all?  That we believe in Him!  He will change your life in ways that you could never imagine and give you blessings that you never thought possible, if you will put your faith in Him.


Dear LORD,

We see in the Bible that You chose people that were ordinary every-day people, just like us, to do great things that will show the world Your great mercy and grace and love for us all.  The one great common thing in all their lives is that they put their total faith in You; they believed in Your great divine power.  Please work through Your Holy Spirit within each of us to be the people of today that You will do great things through in spreading the message of the gospel so that all peoples may hear and learn of Your being the One true God of heaven and earth that offers salvation to all who will put their faith in You.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.