Matthew 8:21-22
In this example of following, or not following Jesus is one who asks of Jesus, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father” (Matthew 8:21, NKJV). The reply of Jesus is quite shocking as He says in Matthew 8:22, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”
The reply of Jesus may seem to be insensitive as this desiring disciple is, as the scribe in Matthew 8:19, requesting to follow Jesus. But a traditional fact would lead us to believe that if the desiring disciple’s father had just died, and he is the eldest son, as would be the responsibility to prepare the burial for his father, then he would not have been in the company of Jesus at this present time, as he would be involved in preparing the burial for his father. It is more likely that this desiring disciple is letting Jesus know that he would like to follow Him, but not right now as his father is most likely living a healthy life and not in need of burial at the present time. He is telling Jesus that he will follow Him after he takes care of things in his life that he considers more important to him. Jesus, however, knows the true intentions of the desiring disciple’s heart and He knows that he is not ready to put his sincere faith in humility in Jesus. Jesus is portraying the importance of putting one’s faith in Him over everything else in life – that He should be the first priority.
This is an example of the need to put Jesus first in our lives, and of the importance that He should have in salvation for one with a truly sincere and humbled heart to Him.
We all have many things in our lives that keep us busy all day long, but the number one priority should be seeking the will of God in our lives to guide us through our busy days. My busy schedule gets me up early in the morning and sometimes keeps me up late at night, but I get up early to seek God’s will for my life and direction for how He would have me to go. It is God’s will for my life that is so important in sharing this message with you as He would have me to do. Without putting God first in my life, I would have no message to share with you each day. This is not my will for my life as I would love to sleep in each day, but the blessings and guidance that God gives me is by following His will for my life, not mine. I would not change a thing in how God is working in my life as I am so grateful that He has given me the opportunity to share with you what He puts in my heart in leading us all to a deeper relationship with Him – in Christ!
Dear LORD,
As society pulls on our lives in many directions with the business of the day, please help us to see that in following Your will for our lives that we must put You first, above all. In doing so You will give us blessings that are indescribable and the greatest thing we will experience in this life – in Christ! In Jesus name I pray, amen.