Matthew 1:7a
Solomon became king after his father David (1 Kings 1:28-2:12). King Solomon was known as the wisest man ever (other than Jesus) as he asked God for understanding and discernment (1 Kings 3:4-15). God gave King Solomon riches beyond measure and wisdom greater than any other in his time (1 Kings 10:14-29), (1 Kings 4:30-34). King Solomon built the temple for God that was beyond any financial undertaking that ever existed in its gold, silver, and bronze framework and wall coverings, along with the wash bowls and decorations (1 Kings 6-7). It’s beauty must have been overwhelming to the human eye. But King Solomon, in all his wisdom, would be drawn away from God through the worship of other gods. 1 Kings 11:4 states, “For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David.”
Rehoboam, the son of Solomon reigned after the death of his father, and during his reign God split the house of Israel as 1 Kings 12 explains. 1 Kings 12:24 states as God’s words to King Rehoboam about going to war against the newly formed tribe of Israel, whom had separated from the tribe of Judah because of King Rehoboam’s hard hand extended as king, “Thus says the LORD: ‘You shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel. Let every man return to his house, for this thing is from Me.’”
This is the genealogy of Jesus from Solomon to Rehoboam.
God gave Solomon more earthly possessions in more splendor than anyone that has ever lived. God also granted Solomon great wisdom to govern all of Israel. But this too is not enough without having a heart that is dedicated to God. All the “stuff” of this earthly world will pull us away from our relationship with God because of the desires that grow from within our earthly nature to have more, and more, and more. But don’t get me wrong, it’s not about all the “stuff”. It’s about having a heart that is true to God. It’s about putting and keeping our faith in God, for He has overcome the “stuff” of this world. He sent His one and only Son to die in our place and pay for the sins of the world. That included you and me. So how do we overcome the temptations that this world throws at us through possessing all the “stuff”? We put our faith in Jesus as He has overcome the world through His death to it, burial in it, and resurrection from it. Jesus has been set free from the ways of this world, and in His victory, through our faith in Him, He offers to us His righteousness, if we will put aside our old sinful lives and put on a new life in obedience to Him through faith.
Dear LORD,
We are not much different than Solomon as we seek the “stuff” of this world in an attempt to make us feel complete as a person. We seek status in the public eye, and to gather as many possessions as we can as if that will make us complete. But the only way our hearts will be filled with the love and warmth that we so desire is not by the things of this world, but by opening our hearts to Jesus and inviting Him to send Your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with Your love – the only love and satisfaction that is capable of healing our hearts, minds, and souls – in Christ. Please open our eyes to Your great salvation in and through Your one and only Son Jesus that we may have our hearts truly filled with peace, joy, and satisfaction. In Jesus name I pray, amen.