Romans 15:22-29


Romans 15:22-29

In Romans 15:22-29 the Apostle Paul expresses his heartfelt desire to visit the Church at Rome, but because of the time it has taken him in his travels and the events that he has encountered on his missionary journey, he has not been able to get there as of yet.  He tells of his plans to come to them when he begins his journey to Spain, and that in doing so, hopefully they will give him support for his further journeys.  But first he must take an offering to Jerusalem from the Churches at Macedonia and Achaia.  Paul explains in Romans 15:27b (NKJV), “For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things.”


This is an example of the action in which the Apostle Paul has taken in the gift that God has given him in ministry.

This is an example that when we receive the gifts that God gives us, it may take some time to accomplish as knowing also requires growing in preparation to develop the gift(s) that God gives us.


We get excited when we realize the gift(s) that God gives us, and we are anxious to see them utilized to bring God glory through our lives.  But as God reveals these things to us we also need to allow God to work through His Holy Spirit in our lives to develop these gifts.  It takes time.  It takes time to learn in God’s word of how He desires us to be in this life that our reward would be realized in the next life eternal in heaven.   It takes dedication to a daily study of God’s word and time spent in prayer for God to then give us the tools needed to take the next step in our growth in Him.  And as He grows and develops us in the plan He has for our lives to bring Him glory, we realize that it is a never-ending process as we grow closer and closer to God through our salvation in Christ Jesus.  As we put into action the plan God has for our lives, He fills our hearts with blessings that are matched by no thing in this world as He blessings are spiritual and eternal and greater than anything this world could ever offer.  Put your full faith in Christ Jesus today and watch how He will give you new life in spirit and begin to grow you in His love for you for eternity – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

We celebrate the gifts that You give us as we learn to utilize the tools You give us along the way to grow closer and closer to You.  We celebrate the love that You have for us that we may in turn learn to share that love with others in bringing glory to You through our lives.  Your blessings for following Your plan for our lives is unmatched by any other and we thank You for saving us from the sins of this world that we may live eternal in Christ Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.