Romans 11:34-36


Romans 11:34-36

The Apostle Paul quotes Scripture from Isaiah 40:13; Jeremiah 23:18; and Job 41:11 as he continues in his celebration of the awesome nature of God.  These thoughts and praises, as originated through the prophets, are reflective of the nature of Almighty God in His splendor, majesty, and sovereignty.  God alone knows His thoughts and where His counsel comes from.  He stands alone over all creation with no one to question His authority and to no one in which He owes anything.  Paul sums it up well in Romans 11:36 as he proclaims, “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever.  Amen.”


This is a promise of the almighty sovereignty of God.


Before we can truly understand our place with God, we must first come to an understanding that He is Almighty God; above all in authority, Creator and Judge.  He created us as His children to give Him praise and glory through our obedience to Him as He cares for us and leads us through this life, in the midst of the powers of Satan, that all would see His ultimate power over all as He is the only one worthy of praise, honor, and glory (Revelation 4:11; 5:12).  It is our obedience to Him that is the issue; for we are under the pressings of Satan in this physical world that can only be overcome by one who is more powerful than Satan.  You and I are not that one.  We must understand that we are not worthy, nor do we have the power within ourselves to overcome the wiles of the devil.  We cannot do it on our own.  But God sent Himself in the form of His Son Jesus into this world that Satan would be defeated on his own ground; in his own setting, that when his defeat is final, he would have no excuse to bring to God in his defense.  Death is the result of sin in this world.  Jesus had no sin, but yet He took our place on the cross and died – this is impossible – but Jesus died physically as we live in this world physically so that He could do for us what no man can do – defeat Satan in this evil world that defeats Satan on his home court – ultimate and total defeat.

The desire of Lucifer (Satan) was to become above God, to be higher than God in authority and rule (Isaiah 14:12-15); he was the first to sin in his desire to be a god.  But God is just and will always allow one to prove themselves in His eyes.  Satan is more powerful than any one of us one-on-one.  But God has promised us that if we will put our faith in Him, He will be our guide to life eternal and the reflection of Him in this world – something that Lucifer failed to do.  God has allowed Satan to cast his net of sin over all the world to show that if we will put our faith in God, even after we have all been covered in sin, that He will set us free from the net of Satan as He (God) is the only Almighty, Sovereign, Counselor, who can set us free from the one who has challenged Him to the highest place in heaven that belongs only to God.


Dear LORD,

Satan wants us all to believe in this world that we can become righteous on our own, just as is his fault that caused his fall from heaven as many believe is revealed in Ezekiel 28:11-19.  We do not control You; we do not command You to do as we desire as is the way of Satan.  But if we will humble our sinful nature to obedience to You by putting our faith in the One who has overcome Satan once for all (Romans 6:10) and ask of His forgiveness in confession of our sins, and believe that Jesus died to pay our debt to sin so that we may live and be forgiven through what He has done for us on the cross and by His resurrection from the dead signifying that Satan, sin, and death have no power over Him, we will be saved (Romans 10:9-13).  In Jesus name I pray, amen.