Romans 11:16-18
The Apostle Paul uses a great comparison of the Israelites to the Gentiles in their role in Christ Jesus as to a tree with the root of the tree being God Himself. God grew the branches (Israel) to have a holy nation as an example to the world of the blessings that would come for obedience to Him; and of the curses that would come from disobedience to God (Deuteronomy 28). Through the disobedience of some of Israel (the branches), those branches have been “broken off” as Paul states in Romans 11:17 (NKJV), and a place is made to adopt or to be “grafted in” as Paul also teaches us in Romans 11:17 for the Gentiles who put their faith in God. But Paul also warns that in being “grafted in” does not make the Gentiles “better” than that of the original branches of the tree.
This is an example of God’s acceptance of everyone who puts their faith in Him.
God is the tree; He is the source of all holiness and righteousness. We cannot gain holiness and righteousness on our own, but through God’s grace to us in sending His one and only Son Jesus to make things right for all people, Israel and the Gentile nations. In Christ, we are all “branches” of God reaching out into the world to show His love through us that is inductive of “growth.” As a tree grows new branches, so we grow in our relationship with God as we remain “grafted” or connected to the tree/root that is the life giving miracle that is God’s great plan of Salvation for all peoples and nations.
Because Israel failed at gaining righteousness through works does not mean that they are no longer God’s people, but through their failure is revealed the One who makes it right for everyone. Jesus came after ample time was given to allow the works of man to prove themselves incapable of accomplishing righteousness; Israel failed at this over and over again. But when God sent Jesus to make things right, God’s power is shown to be worthy for all people, as if it were only for Israel it would show insufficiency for God in being only able to save a people instead of all people in His greatness and almighty saving grace. Jesus died for the sins of all people, past, present, and future. His grace is sufficient for all to gain righteousness by putting our faith in Him – that He paid our price to sin – and that He gives us life eternal. Put your faith in Jesus today and open your heart to be filled with His Holy Spirit to a new life – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
Please help us all to see that in being the branches of Your tree, the tree of salvation in and through Christ Jesus, that we must stay attached to the tree or we will wither and die in being separated from You. Please help us to see that as You grow each branch/person in Your love and righteousness, we are to be seen as examples of Christ Jesus in the world today; healthy, vibrant, loving pictures of Your grace to us – not that we are flawless, but that the love of Christ Jesus is flawless and covers over all sin if we will bring it to the cross and ask of His forgiveness with sincere hearts. Let it be so LORD. In Jesus name I pray, amen.