Romans 7:21-25
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 7:21-25 that even though he strives to do good, he finds that the evils of the flesh are continually pulling at him. In his mind he is willing and striving to live a life that is pleasing to God and following the ways of Christ Jesus, but his physical body strives to do other things – things that are reflective of this world and the sinful nature that rules over it. He cries out to God in the agony of this dilemma and gives thanks to Him through Christ Jesus for his salvation from the evils of this world that he himself cannot overcome.
This is an example through the life of Paul of the sinful nature that is at work in all of us.
This is a promise of the One who delivers us from the sinful nature – the promise of salvation in and through Christ Jesus.
Before we opened our hearts to salvation in and through Christ Jesus, we lived in the sinful nature of this world – willingly; we did not know any other way than to adhere to the
sinful nature which was our guide. But in Christ we are given a new way – a way in which we are aware of the sinful nature and the death that it leads to as we are given/offered a new way which leads to life eternal through the forgiveness that God provides for us in the eternal sacrifice of His One and Only Son, Jesus.
As we begin, and live our new lives in Christ Jesus, we are aware of the sinful lives that we once lived and are not to continue living in a way that is not pleasing to God. The new nature that we have through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit leads us away from the ways of the sinful nature and into a new life that is reflective of Christ Jesus.
Dear LORD,
Please help us to see that in Christ Jesus we are new creatures set free from the sinful nature and should now strive to live lives that are pleasing to You LORD. We now have and live the way, the truth, and the life that is found only in and through Christ Jesus (John 14:6). Satan will continue to tempt us in this world, but we are set free from the chains of sin through our faith in Christ Jesus, and our focus is now on pleasing You until the day in which we enter into Your Glory for eternity – in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, amen.