Romans 5:2
Being justified by faith and having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1), is not all that is found in putting one’s faith in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 5:2 that we also have “access” (NKJV), or as the (ESV) states, “Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand,”. This is very important to understand in the best possible way in which we can. Paul says “into”, and this word relates not to a position of seeing or witnessing something, but being part of it; into the subject of what we are speaking of; in this case that subject is God’s grace. We become or are engulfed by God’s grace. Think about that for a moment and let it sink in…we are surrounded by and overtaken by God’s grace – that is the gift – to be or to become into God’s grace. And if you can allow God’s Holy Spirit to fill you and give you this true experience, the result is as Paul tells us in Romans 5:2b, and that is to, “rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” In this magnificent splendor of the revelation of being given access to enter into God’s glory, we are hit with another level of the majesty of the power of God as we also are in hope of our future of forever living in our spiritual eternity in the glory of God.
This is the promise of entering “into” God’s grace and of rejoicing “in” hope of God’s glory through faith “in” Christ Jesus.
This beginning section of Romans 5 is one of the best explanations of the gospel that I know of in the Bible. Paul pours it all out here as he now ties us together with God in Christ Jesus, into His grace, in hope. Salvation in Christ Jesus is so much more than simply saying so, or of making a wordy profession. Salvation in Christ Jesus is entering into a new life in hope of our spiritual eternity as we forever enter into God’s grace through our faith in Him. Jesus is the door by which we enter into life eternal (John 10:9).
Dear LORD,
Please open our eyes to the gospel message as explained by the Apostle Paul that we would enter “into” Your grace “in” hope of our eternal spiritual life in heaven through Christ Jesus whom You sent to save the world from sin. In Jesus name I pray, amen.