Romans 4:16-22


Romans 4:16-22

“Therefore”, because the promise to Abraham that he would be the heir of the world was through the righteousness of faith (Romans 4:13), grace is the result – from God (Romans 4:16) that makes the promise valid to all who will believe in Him.  This makes Abraham the father of not only his physical seed, but also of the spiritual seed through faith (Romans 4:16-17a; Genesis 17:5).  Abraham believed that God is the God of all creation and could bring forth life from that which was considered dead, and he had hope in the ability of God to give him and his wife Sara, who were past the age of childbearing, a child – simply because God said so – and Abraham believed in the promise from God (Romans 4:17-22).  The Apostle Paul ties this passage together with a quote from Genesis 15:6 stating, ““it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 


This is the promise from faith through God’s grace to all who will believe in Him.


Paul has implemented “God’s grace” in this passage, and it is very important that we understand that the promise of righteousness for all who will believe in God (through our faith in Him) is a gift; it is given/offered to us because God loves us so much and does not desire that anyone would exit this physical world and enter into an eternity of His wrath for the punishment due to sin.  He knows that we cannot do anything to save ourselves from sin, so He sent His only begotten Son to do for us what we cannot do in defeating Satan and the sin that he is responsible for plaguing us with.  He is Almighty God, and He is worthy of all praise, glory, honor, and thanksgiving.  He did this so that all the world will see that He is Almighty God and that He is more powerful than Satan.  If we will acknowledge this to Him, He will save us from the same destruction that Satan has already earned for himself in his disobedience to God.  God proclaims in Deuteronomy 6:4 “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”


Dear LORD,

You are Almighty God, and we acknowledge that You are able to save us from the grasp of Satan and, through Your grace to us, save us for all eternity.  Thank You LORD God Almighty!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.