Romans 4:13-15
In Romans 4:13, Paul speaks of the “promise” in which God made to Abraham. Paul explains that the “promise” was not made to Abraham and his physical descendants, but to those who would have faith in God. Just as Abraham is the example of having faith in God and receiving God’s reward for his faith in Him, Abraham’s descendants in righteousness are of all those who will have faith in God. This is a new line of descendants in faith. Paul goes on to tell us in Romans 4:14-15 that if the heirs of Abraham were through the law, then there is no reason to have faith in God. Paul tells us that the law gives way for God’s wrath in support of a right way, which if there is no law, it would be impossible to know right from wrong.
This is a promise and example of the difference between the law and having faith.
The law was brought about many years after Abraham was considered righteous in the eyes of God, so it would be impossible to consider Abraham righteous through keeping the law which did not exist in Abraham’s day. Abraham could not physically be the “father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5), but through his faith in God, and all those after him who would have faith in God, he was granted the promise from God to be the “father of many nations.”
Dear LORD,
You are our Father in heaven and the Father of all nations. Thank You for giving us the example of Abraham being the earthly father of having faith in You that we all may see Your great plan of salvation for all who will believe in You and live in obedience to You – not through keeping the law or that we could even do such a thing, but that through believing in You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.