Romans 2:5-11
Paul continues to teach of the wrath of God due to the ungodly and unrighteous as in remaining to live in this way are only storing up for themselves the wrath of God to be revealed to them for remaining to harbor their hard and impenitent hearts (Romans 2:5, NKJV). Paul refers to Psalm 62:12 and Proverbs 24:12 in that God, “will render to each one according to his deeds” as he quotes in Romans 2:6.
But Paul now separates the ungodly and unrighteous deeds from the godly and righteous deeds in Romans 2:7-11 in showing that God’s judgment shows no partiality but that all of humanity will be judged with the same standard regardless of being Jew or Gentile. Paul explains in Romans 2:7 that those, “who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality” will receive eternal life. He then explains in Romans 2:8-9a, “but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness – indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil…”, and then ends this revelation of the wrath of God by declaring that all are subject to it with no separation of Jew and Greek/Gentile, as God’s wrath does not show favoritism and would be reflective of man being able to do works in gaining God’s favor which is not possible outside of putting one’s faith in Jesus because of the sin that is present in all humanity and only forgiven through faith in Christ Jesus.
This is an example of who will receive the wrath of God, and of who will receive eternal life, glory, honor, and peace in seeking the truth which is only found in believing sincerely in Christ Jesus.
The Bible clearly teaches us the way to righteousness which is only found in the truth of God through His one and only Son Jesus who He provided for our salvation in escaping His wrath to come on all who refuse Him. The problem is that in this world is Satan, and he is more powerful than we are. We cannot defeat him on our own and he will continue to block us from coming back to God as long as we continue to let him by falling to all his lies of being self-righteous without submitting to God and asking His help in forgiveness with a repentant heart. We can only come to a repentant state of heart by learning of God and His great plan of salvation for us through His word and fellowship with those who have been born again in Christ Jesus. As we learn and grow in our knowledge of God and His plan for our lives, He will convict our hearts through His Holy Spirit and bring us to that point of repentance which will allow us to truly open our hearts to Him and receive His forgiveness and begin living life – In Christ Jesus – as He originally intended it to be.
Dear LORD,
We have no excuse to not believe in You and the truth that You have given us in salvation through Christ Jesus whom You sent into this world to save all who will believe from sin, condemnation, judgment, and Your eternal wrath. You have shown us the way, the truth, and the life in Christ Jesus (John 14:6); please help us to believe – in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, amen.