Romans 1:22-23


Romans 1:22-23

The Apostle Paul is speaking of the wrath of God being revealed to the ungodly and unrighteous as they refuse to acknowledge God, even though He has made Himself visible through nature and creation in their reflection of Him (Romans 1:18-21).  In Romans 1:22-23, Paul tells us that these ungodly and unrighteous people profess to be wise but are doing so by a self-centered and arrogant view of themselves.  Paul informs us that this attitude is reflective of fools, and in their self-righteous ways have changed, “the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man – and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (NKJV).  These people, in their ungodly and unrighteous lifestyles have made gods for themselves, to worship the things in which they choose to put their foolish earthly wisdom. They have created idols for themselves just as the Israelites did at Mount Sinai (Exodus 32).


This is an example of the worldview of the ungodly and unrighteous.


The example is given above as the Israelites in their rebellion against God in Exodus 32 grew impatient while waiting for Moses to return from atop Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments.  They made a calf out of gold so that they could have a physical existing “thing” to bow down to and worship.  These people were fools for not being able to see God in the wonders of creation in nature and the life that God had given them.  We too, in this same sinful world today, make idols out of everything we can; we put our trust and faith in things that are not reflective of God but clearly show our self-centered, self-proclaiming righteousness and arrogance that is reflective of the “fools” in which the Apostle Paul teaches us about in rebellion to God.  Anything that we put on a pedestal above God becomes an idol.  Sometimes we do not even realize how easy it is to do such a thing.  God should be, and requires to be, number one above all in our lives.  Are you putting God first in your life, or are there things in which you need to remove from the pedestal of importance that Satan has slipped into your most important things in life?  It is a good time to take inventory of our hearts and make sure that we have God in His proper place – at the top!


Dear LORD,

Please give us the courage and humility to take inventory of what is most important in our lives and make sure that we have You at the top!  In Jesus name I pray, amen.