Romans 1:16-17 (16a)
The Apostle Paul states in Romans 1:16 (NKJV) that he is, “not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,” and would naturally bring to light the question of, “Why would he be ashamed of the gospel of Christ?” We must keep in mind that Paul is writing to the church at Rome which is a church that is, at this time, made up of mostly Gentile believers in an unknown world to him (Rome) that is ruled by the philosophies of the time. Christianity and the gospel of Christ were considered by many to be nonsense during this early time of reaching out to the Gentile community while still yet seeking to give the Jews an understanding that the gospel is to include all people through Christ Jesus, whom many people, even the Jews who had been awaiting the Messiah, did not believe. The Apostle Paul has been given an assignment by God to preach a gospel to a people (the Gentiles) who were not originally believed to be allowed to receive, but themselves do not believe in. Paul, however, is not ashamed to be the one chosen to share the gospel of Christ to the church at Rome as well as throughout the known world.
This is an example of standing tall in Christ to share the gospel message.
The world in which the Apostle Paul was chosen to spread the gospel of Christ was not really any different than the many different worldviews in which we see in the world today. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 (ESV), “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”
Satan traps us in the superficial ways of this world which are exciting in the moment but fade quickly. The Apostle Paul taught a gospel that was contrary to the ways of this world but its saving message would allow through Christ Jesus an excitement and joy that lasts a lifetime here on earth, and for eternity after we depart from this temporary physical lift and into an eternal spiritual life. It is only through Christ Jesus that true life is available, and it is our duty as Christians to stand tall – in Christ – and share the gospel message with the world as we know it today.
Dear LORD,
There is none in my opinion who would have had more reason than Paul to be embarrassed about sharing the gospel message of Christ, as he once persecuted the church before he was saved by Your grace to him on the road to Damascus which changed him forever 180 degrees and into a life of giving his testimony and of sharing the gospel of Christ to the known world. And even more, he was given the task of sharing the gospel with a people who were considered outcasts and unworthy to be included in Your great plan of salvation, along with the fact that many of them refused to believe in our Savior Jesus. Please give us the confidence and courage that You gave to Paul, that we too may stand tall and share the gospel message of Christ Jesus while remaining respectful to others and exhibiting the love that Christ Jesus shows to us. In Jesus name I pray, amen.