James 5:7-8
James begins verse 7 of chapter 5 with the word “Therefore” and is connecting it to the preceding section of James 5:1-6, which is referring to those who have gained riches in ways that are not respectful of our Savior Jesus Christ and God Almighty. But as James continues in James 5:7-8, he inserts a quick lesson on patience. Many scholars believe this is intended to be directed at those whom the rich have been abusing or mistreating in their financial gain. If that is the intended direction of James, then his message is, as I believe, to be directed to a patience in longsuffering to hold fast to Jesus while going through the trials of life in wait for the return of our Savior. James gives an example of the patience a farmer shows while waiting for the crops to grow before the harvest can be launched (James 5:7). But in James 5:8 he directs his hearers to “Establish your hearts” (NKJV) which is the true place in which Jesus needs those who believe in Him to open… and invite Him in.
This is a command to be patient – patient in longsuffering through trials.
We all face trials and have experienced mistreatment from others throughout our lives; and if we are honest with ourselves, we have dished out some mistreatment to others as well. It is our sinful earthly nature in life’s competition to succeed and in our fears of failure. But James tells us to be patient while we wait for the Lord’s return. Jesus tells us in John 15:18 (NIV), “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” If we are striving to be a reflection of our Savior Jesus, we will be mistreated. But He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell within those who believe in Him so that He can be with us – within us – while we face the trials and tribulations of this world. Jesus tells us in John 14:26 (ESV), “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” We don’t have to face the trials and tribulations of this world on our own; Jesus died for our sins with His arms wide open in waiting for us to accept His guidance and be filled with His Holy Spirit to be with us forevermore. If you have not done so, I urge you to make the choice for Jesus today as we strive in patience for the day in which He returns.
Dear LORD,
It is tough to be patient in a world that thrives on the here and the now. But You teach us to hold fast to Your word and our salvation in Jesus Christ as Your Holy Spirit guides us to the day of Your return. Please prompt us to stop and take a breath…and ask You, “What would You have me to do Lord?”, and give us the courage to follow where You will lead us. In Jesus name I pray, amen.