James 1:21

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James 1:21

The “Therefore” that begins verse 21 reaches way back to all that James has been teaching us thus far: the one who endures temptation will receive blessings from the Lord and the crown of life which He promised to all who love Him (James 1:12); understanding that God does not tempt us but that temptation comes through the sinful nature and gives birth to sin which then brings death (James 1:13-15); and that every good and perfect gift comes from our heavenly Father.  He designed us to be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures (James 1:16-18); and that everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to wrath in producing righteousness that comes from God and flows through our lives – in Christ (James 1:19-20).  “Therefore,” James instructs his hearers/readers to repent from the wickedness of the sinful nature, as he states in James 1:21b-c, “and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”  In this, we must take note of how we are to receive God’s word, and that is “with meekness” as James instructs us.  Meekness is “characterized by patience and long-suffering” according to Merriam-Webster, and is opposite of how the sinful nature desires things “now” in the selfish arrogance that it portrays.


This is a command to repent/turn from wickedness.

This is a command to open our hearts to God’s word which leads us to salvation in Christ Jesus.


Psalm 119:11 (NKJV) states, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.”  It is the sincerity of our hearts to God that He is seeking for us.  To come to this state of life, one must rid oneself of filthiness and wickedness.  We must humbly and sincerely open our hearts to God’s word to learn through it of God’s desire to reunite us through His Son Jesus to save us from the sinful nature and bring us back to a right standing with Him through the forgiveness that only He provides.  It is through an attitude of meekness that we must approach our Savior; and if we do, He will set our hearts free and give us a new life – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

To lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness is a task in which we cannot do on our own, but need Jesus to enter our hearts through Your Holy Spirit and drive out these things which abide in the sinful nature.  Jesus tells us in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life.  He tells us that no one comes to the Father except through Him.  That is a powerful statement and deserves our full attention.  Please help us to put our faith in Jesus that we may have true life through Him.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.