Hebrews 12:1-2

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Hebrews 12:1-2

The author of Hebrews begins chapter 12 (NKJV) with the words “Therefore we also,” indicating that we too should join in with these examples of faith and put sin behind us and, “run with endurance the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1).  But he goes a step further and tells us how we can do this, by “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,” (Hebrews 12:2).  Jesus knew of the joy that awaited Him in heaven when His work was finished in the flesh.  He knew that enduring through the pain and suffering of being crucified, He would receive the joy of doing and finishing the work that God had set before Him.  He now sits “at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).


This is a promise of the joy that awaits us in and through Christ Jesus.


Hebrews chapter 11 has examples of biblical greats who accomplished their missions through their strong faith in God to accomplish His work through them.  They knew that they could not accomplish the mission on their own but had faith in God to work through them in God’s own ways to bring them to the finish line.  But none of these “Heroes of Faith” came close to accomplishing what Jesus did on the cross.  Jesus is the forerunner and author of our faith.  He ran the race and crossed the finish line as the winner of the prize, which is salvation for all of mankind who will put their faith in Him.  He now sits at the right hand of the throne of God in joy!  It is this joy that awaits all who will put their faith in Him to help us accomplish the goal of crossing the finish line of life in this world that we too may enter His glory and experience His joy for eternity.  We must put aside the sinful ways of this world and seek to run our race of life with Jesus, who through our faith in Him will send His Holy Spirit to live within our hearts and be our guide to life.  We cannot know the path to winning the race if we do not know where we are running to – if we have no guidance.  This guidance only comes through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit; and we can only receive His Holy Spirit’s guidance if we put our faith in Jesus.


Dear LORD,

Just before Jesus was arrested, He prayed, “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do” (John 17:4b).  He also prayed for us, that we may have eternal life through the accomplishments of the work He has done.  He finished the race and won the prize.  He asks us, in our hearts, if we would share the prize with Him and You.  He offers us the guide to winning the race of our lives – Your Holy Spirit – if we will open our hearts to Him and believe – in Christ.  Please let it be so LORD.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.