Hebrews 11:27

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Hebrews 11:27

God prepared the heart of Moses for forty years while he lived in the land of Midian (Exodus 3).  While Moses originally fled Egypt in fear for his life (Exodus 2:11-15), it was during his time in the land of Midian when God spoke to Moses through the burning bush and called him to lead his people out of captivity from Egypt.  When Moses returned to Egypt, he went in faith, strengthened by what God had prepared him to do.  God sent him to stand before Pharaoh and proclaim God’s judgment on Pharaoh and the land of Egypt if Pharaoh would not concede to the request brought to him to let the Israelites go so that they could worship God.  The last part of Hebrews 11:27 (NKJV) is a definition of faith as prescribed to Moses, “for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible.”


This is an example of faith that will overcome our fears.


As we open our hearts to Jesus and begin seeking His will for our lives, we will find that God will lead us to places in which we would never have thought to go.  We will experience fear and persecution in following Jesus.  But it is this need to overcome in which God calls us to put our trust (faith) in Him.  He is leading us and He will give us the strength to succeed in His plan for our lives, but we have to trust in Him even when we don’t trust in ourselves.  Jesus stated in Matthew 19:26 (NIV), “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


Dear LORD,

We are drawn to You as we come to a realization that we cannot overcome the trials and tribulations of life on our own.  It is this same fear that leads us to put our focus on Christ as we strive to live as You would have us as Christians.  Without putting our faith in You and the salvation that Jesus provided for us on the cross, it is impossible to overcome the sinful ways of this world, but in Christ Jesus all things are possible.  Please help us to put and keep our faith in You as it is only through Jesus that we may accomplish the missions that You put in our hearts.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.