Hebrews 11:8-10

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Hebrews 11:8-10

In Hebrews 11:8-10, Abraham is shown as a great example of having faith in God.  He was called by God to go to a place in which he had no reason to go except that God instructed him to go.  He trusted/had faith in God to take care of him throughout this time of unknowns.  His son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob would also follow God through this same unknown land and become heirs of the promise that God made to Abraham.  In Hebrews 11:10 we are informed that he “waited” (NKJV) on the LORD to fulfill the promise.


This is an example of waiting on the LORD to fulfill His will in our lives.


We have grown to want everything right now.  We have grown impatient with everything.  But as God’s children through salvation in Christ Jesus, we must learn to wait upon the LORD to work in our lives as He wills.  Sometimes, and truthfully more often than not, God does not move as fast as we would like.  This is a call of growing in our relationship to seek God’s will for our lives – in His timing.  He is teaching us to trust in Him, and many times throughout our lives this will happen not as fast as we would like.  But as we learn to trust in Him as He leads us to unknown places, we will see that His way is better than our way and the rewards He gives us for following His plan for our lives will far outweigh the rewards in which we thought we may be searching for.


Dear LORD,

Please help us to see that Your ways are far better than our ways and that in unknown situations You will help us through to the goals in which You have for us.  As Abraham followed Your will for his life in faith, please give us the faith to follow wherever You will lead us as all paths in Christ lead to the eternal promised land of heaven.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.