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Hebrews 6:1-3
The author of Hebrews ends chapter 5 speaking of the need to move from “milk” to “solid food” in growing in our spiritual life in Christ Jesus. A step in this growth is becoming able to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).
As the author of Hebrews begins chapter 6 his focus is to lead this growth to maturity in Christ for all believers. In the first five chapters of Hebrews, the author has taught us of the importance and authority of Jesus being above the angels, Moses, and the High Priest Aaron. We have been taught that Jesus is chosen and appointed by God through the order of the everlasting “king of righteousness,” and “king of peace,” Melchizedek. We have learned that we enter God’s rest through our faith in Christ Jesus as God has promised His rest for all who will believe in Him.
The author of Hebrews now states as we begin chapter 6 of the importance to mature in our relationship – in our walk with Jesus. He mentions the foundations of Christianity being repentance from the sinful nature in putting on a new life in Christ Jesus; having faith in God; the need for baptism; laying on of hands in receiving spiritual gifts; the resurrection of the dead; and of the eternal judgment that is certain to come (Hebrews 6:1-2). And in Hebrews 6:3 the author notes a very important part of our growth in Christ Jesus: “And this we will do if God permits.” This means that we cannot do these things on our own, but that it is by following God’s will for our lives in His timing in our submission to Him that God will accomplish these things with us.
This is a promise of the need to grow in our spiritual walk with God through our salvation in Christ Jesus.
We each have a unique walk with Christ Jesus according to God’s plan for our lives. It is this understanding that we are not in control of our lives, but God is, and to see and follow His plan for our lives we must submit our will to His. We must seek God’s plan with an open heart to Him in an understanding that His plan for our lives may be different than the plan in which we desire to have. However, God’s plan is always to be the one in which we will find the most fulfillment of our heart, soul, and life – in Christ.
Dear LORD,
Please help us to see that when we open our heart to Jesus and repent from the old life of sin to a new life in following Christ Jesus that we must do so in seeking Your will for our lives. We must put aside our desires in life to be open to where You will lead us and for what You will have for us. Please help us to see that sacrifice of earthly things is required for maturity in our spiritual walk with You through following the way of Christ Jesus – that we would put You first, and that Your plan, through all the sacrifice, is the best and most fulfilling plan for our lives. Give us the strength, passion, and desire to continually seek Your plan for our lives that we may mature in our walk with You – in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, amen.