Hebrews 4:14-16

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Hebrews 4:14-16

We have learned that those who wandered in the wilderness of the exodus led by Moses were not allowed to enter God’s rest in the promised land because of their unbelief.  Even though the gospel was preached to them (Hebrews 4:2), in hearing God’s word they had no faith in it, or in Him.  They did not believe the gospel message nor did they put their faith in God.  But God has promised a rest for those who do believe in Him.  Knowing this, we have also learned from Hebrews 4:11-13 that we are laid bare before God – He knows all things about us.  Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 10:30 (NIV), “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

Moving into Hebrews 4:14-16, we learn that Jesus is our High Priest, and that we should therefore hold tightly to our confession of our faith in Him because He has been tempted in every way, or as the NKJV states in Hebrews 4:15, “…but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”  In Hebrews 4:16 we are instructed to come “boldly” as in not being fearful of coming before Jesus, but confident in His ability to forgive our sins, because His mercy and grace are unlimited for us as He will not turn away one who comes before Him with a sincere heart.  He has experienced all temptation, and there is nothing that we will bring to Him in our lives that He has not already become aware, but that in the act of coming to Him we show our faith in Him, “that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16, NKJV).


This is a promise that Jesus is our High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses.


God is the author of mercy, grace, and love.  He yearns for us to come to Him with a sincere heart asking forgiveness so that He may exhibit His mercy, grace, and love in our lives.  God does not desire to pass condemning judgment on us as He sits on His heavenly throne in His almighty righteousness as our eternal judge, but that we would obey Him in coming to Him with a sincere heart that is humbled to His almighty righteousness and accept His gift of love to us in His one and only Son Jesus who has already paid our debt to sin once for all that we may be redeemed through Him.  As the author of Hebrews 4:16 states, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”


Dear LORD,

Please help us to see that in Your almighty power and righteousness that Your desire for us is that we would come to You in confidence of Your gift to us in salvation in Jesus.  Please help us LORD to not be fearful of You LORD, but that our faith in You would develop within us a humble, sincere, respect for You and the gift of salvation as we lay our sins at the foot of the cross – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.