Hebrews 4:13

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Hebrews 4:13

There is nothing hidden from God’s omniscience, which is God’s almighty power to know all things.  God’s omniscience, along with His omnipresence, which is God’s almighty power to be present everywhere always puts us, our actions, and our thoughts in plain view of God.  He knows everything – He always has and He always will.  Man cannot hide from God, and when we leave this world through physical death we will all be held accountable before God as He judges our lives spent in the physical world to determine our spiritual residence for eternity, whether it be in or out of His presence.


This is a promise that we cannot hide from God.

This is a promise that God is omnipresent and omniscient; He knows all things and is present everywhere all the time.


God knows our darkest secrets.  He knows more about us than we know about ourselves.  We cannot hide our sins from God – that is why we must come to Him with a sincere heart, because He knows if we are lying to Him.  There is no hiding from God.  God is present everywhere all the time and He knows everything about everything.  This is a very convicting reality to embrace, but God is not desiring a day in which He can bring us to judgment but to salvation in Christ Jesus who died in our place to pay the punishment due for our sins, so that when we physically die and stand before God to be held accountable for how we lived our physical lives, Jesus intercedes for us and makes the everlasting claim for us as He states to our Father in heaven…he/she is with Me.  And Almighty God will then smile and release His everlasting glory to engulf our spiritual beings in blessings that last for always and forevermore as we hear Him say the words… “Well done, good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your lord.” (Matthew 25:21, 23).


Dear LORD,

You are all-knowing and all-present.  We cannot hide anything from You.  Please help us to see that we need to come to You with open and sincere hearts in seeking forgiveness in submission to You for what You have done for us through our Savior Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.