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2 Peter 2:1
Peter ends chapter 1 of his second letter by confirming the truth and authenticity of the Bible. He then begins chapter 2 by informing the people that there are still yet false teachers who in their false teaching only bring destruction on themselves as they even deny Jesus and His saving power as the Savior sent by God to redeem the world from sin.
This is a promise and example that false teachers have been, and always will be, trying to deny Jesus. But in doing so will only bring destruction on themselves.
We don’t have to look far to hear or see someone denying the existence of Jesus. False teachings in denying Jesus run rampant in society still yet today. The Church has been put on the backburner of society and today’s focus seems to be on self-gratitude and promoting the individual with a “you can do it yourself” attitude. We have developed a religious belief of making a god to be however fits comfortably into your personal lifestyle. But this way of belief is caused by a false teaching and those who follow this way of life are only bringing destruction, as the Apostle Peter puts it, on themselves. How do we remedy this behavior? We open our Bibles and read; we study the words that have been inspired by God to the writers of the Bible; we pray for understanding of God’s word and how we can implement the lessons that God teaches us through His word into our lives; that we submit ourselves to Him through our faith in Christ Jesus whom He sent to save us from the sinful ways of this world that we might live eternal through Him; and we share that with others in how Jesus, our Savior, is working in our lives and that He has a plan for all who will believe in Him.
Dear LORD,
Your word as inspired through the apostle Peter was true then and is true now. Please help us to overcome the false teachings of this world and put our faith in Jesus and follow His teachings as presented to us through Your inspired word, and share the gospel with all those around us and throughout the world – in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, amen.