2 Peter 1:6c

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2 Peter 1:6c

The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary defines godliness as, “Piety toward God, including the proper conduct that springs from a right relationship with him.  It is not belief in itself, but the devotion toward God and love to others that result from that belief.  Religious FAITH is empty without godliness (2 Tim. 3:5).”  They go on to say, “It is the sum total of religious character and actions, and it produces both a present and a future state of happiness.  It is not right action that is done from a sense of duty, but is the spontaneous virtue that come from the indwelling Christ and reflects him.”  I believe godliness to be the point at which the exceedingly great and precious promises of God meets the indwelling of His Holy Spirit in one’s heart, to produce the new life and action that is seen in a Christian.  Proper conduct in a right relationship with God, not the belief in God but the action in one’s life that portrays the characteristics that are indwelt them through God’s Holy Spirit given to those who open their hearts to Jesus.  This is not given by what Zondervan describes as a since of duty, but through the indwelling change that is brought on in one’s life through God’s Holy Spirit.


This is a command to add to one’s life godliness.


This is a great example of a passage of Scripture that adds extra instruction to what is seen as the main text.  Isn’t it great that God prepared His Word to be recorded through the Apostle Peter in a way that doesn’t just tell us to put godliness in our lives, but lists it directly and in conjunction with perseverance.  To persist, in spite of difficulties to obtain godliness.  God’s Word is so great!  I hope and pray that you too can see and grasp the awesomeness of God and salvation in Christ Jesus as we study and learn His Word and how we can apply it in our lives – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

Godliness with perseverance is directly what we need to be aiming for in glorifying You through our lives.  Please help us to see that it is not of ourselves that we can accomplish godliness, but through salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.