1 Peter 2:13-17

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1 Peter 2:13-17

This passage begins with the word “Therefore” and is a great example of the power of the word in its role of connecting an earlier passage with the current text.  The “Therefore” attaches verses 11-12 to verses 13-17.  First, from verses 11-12 Peter tells the “beloved” [and once again it is very important to understand who the “beloved” are as Peter has addressed this letter to the “pilgrims of the Dispersion” who have been born again in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 1:1-9, 22-23)].

Peter then tells the beloved to submit themselves for the Lord’s sake to the governing officials, which in this case is the Roman authorities.  A very important key here is, “for the Lord’s sake” and all good will and works are to go as far as to be in obedience to God’s will.  To respect the governing authorities even though one may not agree with the methods of them.  This world is a sinful world and the consequences of sin must be dealt with daily.  It is putting a Christian view into being a representative of Jesus into one’s daily activities, and that requires a proper Christian attitude towards the secular law.  Peter says that these authorities have been put in place by God as His will is the reigning ultimate authority and to obey the “law” of the governing authorities is part of being a bondservant to God (1 Peter 2:16).

We must keep in mind that the “pilgrims of the Dispersion” were those believers who were fleeing from the persecution of the reigning government of the Jewish leaders (Acts 6:1-8:4), so this is a very slippery slope to address.  I believe that Jesus describes it well in Mark 12:13-17 and most directly in His words from Mark 12:17 as He commands, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  In so doing, we should honor all people, show love to all who are in Christ in our respect to our Creator God and His will for our lives, and respect the law of the land.


This is a command to be respectfully obedient to the laws of the secular government while still yet putting God first in our lives and beliefs


A bondservant is one who willfully becomes a servant as they believe this is the best way of life for them.  In the Old Testament when a servant had completed his time of duty, he was set free from the authority of his master.  If the master of the servant took good care of the servant while he completed his time of service, the servant could choose to become a bondservant to his master for life.  The Apostle Paul describes this well in Ephesians 6:5-9.  If both parties are living in Christ, this will of God works well, but if one or both are living in the sinful nature of this world, the sinful nature strives to destroy God’s will.  We are all born servants of the sinful nature as is the will of man, but Jesus died for our sins, setting us free from the sinful nature if we will choose to become bondservants to Him – to God through salvation in Christ Jesus.  Being a bondservant to God is not a free pass to a freedom that is void of rules and responsibilities, but a freedom that is free from sin through forgiveness in Christ Jesus as Peter speaks of in 1 Peter 2:16.  That is no longer being a bondservant to Satan and the sinful nature of man, but a bondservant to Christ – being obedient as a servant to Jesus in following Him and being an example of Him in this world.  One cannot use salvation as a freedom to do whatever one desires, as one’s desires are of the sinful nature and that is what has been put behind the Christian in his or her new life in Christ.  It is this attitude of a bondservant to Christ Jesus that the Christian should portray to all peoples and authorities.


Dear LORD,

We sometimes struggle in showing respect to the authorities that are placed in our lives.  Please help us to see that we are Your representatives in this world and that reflecting Jesus to all those around us is Your will for our lives in the salvation that we have received in Christ Jesus.  We may not always agree with the governing authorities, but please help us to be respectful of You and our salvation in Jesus as we are bondservants to You and should always reflect the love You have shown us in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.