1 Peter 2:9-10

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1 Peter 2:9-10

Peter reverts back once again in verse 9 to those who believe, and first relates to the Old Testament calling of God’s chosen people Israel (Exodus 19:5-6).  He ends verse 9 by stating the main mission of the Israelites of the Old Testament, “that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (NKJV).  And then in verse 10 Peter ties the Israelites of the Old Testament to those called through Christ Jesus in the New Testament by saying, “who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”  The Israelites were once considered “not a people” until God made them a people through the seed of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3), and the Gentile nations were not a “chosen people of God” until Jesus came to redeem all peoples.  All peoples have together obtained mercy through Christ Jesus whom God sent to save the “world” from sin (John 3:16-17) for all who will receive Him (John 1:12-13).


This is a promise of encouragement to all who believe in Jesus to proclaim praise to Him.


This passage relates to the way God works in His glorious plan of salvation for all peoples, from the Old Testament in His chosen people Israel and His plan for them to show all the nations of the earth His glory; to those of the New Testament in that as the whole world has now seen the Almighty God is the one and only true God of heaven, and all who receive Him through His unfolded plan of salvation in and through His Son Jesus whom He sent to save the world from sin (John 3:16-17) are all God’s chosen people through His Holy Spirit working in their lives.


Dear LORD,

Thank You for calling us out of the darkness of sin and into a new life in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Thank You for sending Your message of salvation to all peoples that through believing in Jesus we all may be saved.  And thank You LORD for showing mercy to us all in the unfailing forgiveness found in Christ Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.