1 Peter 2:7-8

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1 Peter 2:7-8

In yesterday’s lesson we spoke about those who put their trust in Jesus as the cornerstone and foundation of a solid spiritual relationship with Almighty God that will not be put to shame.  Today we’re going to take a look at how this rock and cornerstone (Jesus) is viewed by those who are disobedient to Him and reject Him.

Peter begins in verse 7 by reaffirming us that to those who believe in Jesus – He is precious, but to those who are disobedient, Peter refers to Psalm 118:22 (NKJV), “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone”, and also in Isaiah 8:4, “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.”  Peter tells us at the end of verse 8, “They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.”  The part that sticks out to me here is, “to which they also were appointed.”  This tells us that we all were appointed to be saved from sin through Jesus.


This is a promise that Jesus is precious to those who will put their faith in Him.

This is a promise that Jesus is an offense and stumbling block to those who refuse Him.


Peter was disobedient to Jesus and denied Him three times just before His crucifixion.  He knows what it feels like to deny Jesus and then watch all hope for forgiveness die on the cross.  But we don’t see as Jesus sees, because in the death of Jesus, He opened the door to forgiveness and returned to Peter and restored him to a right standing with Him.  In what we see as hopeless, Jesus makes the way for hope.  For those who put their faith in Jesus, He is the cornerstone of life that is precious and does not fade away, but to those who allow their hearts to remain hardened to Jesus and refuse to believe in Him, Jesus is viewed as offensive and because of their hardened hearts toward Him, will be their cause of stumbling through life always searching, but never finding the peace of Christ Jesus that one’s heart is in desperate need of and will continue to be restless and offensive unless that hardened heart is opened to the forgiveness of Jesus and the love of God fills it with His Holy Spirit.  This is the craving that your heart is longing for; turn away from the sinful nature and begin a new life in Jesus that is fulfilling and gives true peace.  God is full of grace and mercy; if you ask in sincerity of heart, He will forgive you of all your sins and give you a new life – in Christ.


Dear LORD,

We pray today for those who have hardened their hearts to Jesus, that through Your Holy Spirit You would speak to their hearts and help them to put Satan and the sinful nature behind them and open their hearts to Jesus and receive forgiveness and a new life – in Christ.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.