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1 Peter 2:6
Therefore, or because of the fact that Jesus is the living stone, precious and chosen by God (verse 4), Scripture also contains other prophecies concerning Jesus as the “stone.” Peter quotes from Isaiah 28:16 (NKJV),
“Behold, I lay in Zion
A chief cornerstone, elect, precious,
And he who believes on Him will by no
means be put to shame.”
We see now the this “living stone” is the cornerstone (verse 6) or foundation in which those who believe in Him are being built up as the spiritual house and royal priesthood (verse 5) in which now the sacrifices to God will be offered as spiritual sacrifices through Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone (Isaiah 28:16). And as this verse in Isaiah gives prophecy to Jesus being the chief cornerstone, it also gives encouragement to those who are hearing this message spoken by the Apostle Peter – those who have fled from their homes in fear of persecution after seeing and hearing of how Stephen was killed for his faith in Jesus. The last part of Isaiah 28:16 states, “And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.”
This is a promise and example that for those who find themselves in a lonely spiritual wilderness, that Jesus is the cornerstone of building a spiritual foundation that is solid and will not be put to shame.
The secular world is constantly trying to shame Jesus and our faith in Him. But that’s how Satan uses those who are lost in sin to try and “shame” those of us who have witnessed the light of Christ Jesus. Satan had his grasp on us all at one point in our lives with the sinful nature that we strive constantly to put behind us. It is through Jesus that we are able to move forward in repentance and receive true forgiveness through Christ Jesus, who defeated Satan once for all (Romans 6) that we may be set free from Satan’s grasp of sin on our lives and be redeemed back to a right standing in our relationship with Almighty God and be accepted into heaven in His glory for eternity.
Dear LORD,
Jesus is our rock and foundation of our relationship with You. When we call on His name, the name of Jesus, Satan flees from us and we are secure once again – in Christ Jesus. I pray for those who are lost in a wilderness of sin and have fled from You in a life of sin, that You would give them the hope and security that is only found in Jesus that for all who will believe in Him shall not be put to shame, but receive eternal life and be saved from the grasp of Satan. In Jesus name I pray, amen.