Month: January 2024

Mark 9:42

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 9:42 In Mark 9:42 Jesus picks up where He left off before John inserted his plea about the man who was healing in the name of Jesus but was not known to them. Jesus had been speaking about the desire of His disciples …

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The Wisdom of Proverbs 14:23-35

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE WISDOM OF PROVERBS BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE This is a Bible study in the book of Proverbs as we seek to learn from the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight of King Solomon, and of how we can apply these lessons in our lives.  

Mark 9:38-41

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 9:38-41 In Mark 9:38 John informs Jesus that they had seen a man cast out a demon in the name of Jesus, but the man was not with them or one of those who followed them, so they forbid the man to do …

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Mark 9:36-37

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 9:36-37 Jesus continues to teach His disciples about being great, which by Jesus’ definition means that they must humble themselves to the point of being a servant (Mark 9:35). The Bible teaches us in Mark 9:36-37 (NKJV), “Then He took a little child …

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Mark 9:33-35

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY ON YOUTUBE Mark 9:33-35 Jesus has informed His disciples while they traveled through Galilee that He will be betrayed, killed, and then rise three days later. But as they traveled, the Bible teaches us that there was another conversation going on between the disciples of who …

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