Month: October 2022

Matthew 22:15-22

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 22:15-22 Jesus had told several parables against the Pharisees and chief priests.  Matthew 22:15, NKJV states, “Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His talk.”  They attempted to do this by getting Jesus’ view on the politics of the day …

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Matthew 22:1-14

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus has spoken a parable against the chief priests, elders, and Pharisees (Matthew 21:33-46) in which the Chief priests and the Pharisees were in great disapproval and wanted to “lay hands on Him” (Matthew 21:46).  But Jesus does not flee; He explains His teaching …

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Matthew 21:33-46

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 21:33-46 Jesus tells a parable of a landowner who planted a vineyard and hired vinedressers to tend it as he went to a far away country.  When the harvest drew near, the landowner sent servants to gather some of the crop for him to sample, …

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Matthew 21:23-32

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 21:23-32 Jesus had come preaching and teaching things that only the chief priests and the elders believed that they themselves had the rights to preach, and Jesus taught things that were new and against some of the traditions that they had implemented.  It is natural …

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Matthew 21:18-22

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 21:18-22 In Matthew 21:18-19 we learn that Jesus was hungry but when He came to a fig tree without any figs, He declared (NKJV), “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.”  The Bible teaches us that the fig tree immediately withered.  This may seem …

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