Month: September 2022

Matthew 18:28-35

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 18:28-35 As Jesus teaches His disciples about forgiveness, He has begun a parable of forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-27 in which a man owed a large amount of money to his master (ten thousand talents. One talent = aprox. 100lbs = aprox. $5,760,000); this man owed …

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Matthew 18:23-27

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 18:23-27 In speaking of forgiveness, Jesus begins teaching a parable in Matthew 18:23.  He begins by stating (NKJV), “Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like…”, and then Jesus tells of a king who decided it was time to collect all debt owed to him.  As …

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Matthew 18:21-22

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 18:21-22 In Matthew 18:21, the Apostle Peter steps up to show his heart of forgiveness as he asks a question of Jesus as to how many times he should forgive his brother who sins against him.  He reaches out and asks Jesus, “Up to seven …

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Matthew 18:19-20

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 18:19-20 Matthew 18:19-20 is connected to Matthew 18:16 as it is recorded in the same quote from Jesus.  Jesus is reiterating what He has already stated in Matthew 18:16 – this is not a separate piece of information, but is to be part of the …

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Matthew 18:18

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 18:18 Matthew 18:18 is a warning given by Jesus as to our actions.  Jesus has given instructions for conflict resolution in Matthew 18:15-18, but it is up to those who receive these instructions to put them to action in their lives. The paragraph that begins …

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