Month: April 2022

Matthew 9:20-22

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 9:20-22 Jesus and His disciples were on their way to the synagogue ruler’s house when they are interrupted by a woman who has touched Jesus as she believed that in simply touching His clothing would heal her of a twelve year “flow of blood” (Matthew …

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Matthew 9:18-19

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 9:18-19 As Jesus is speaking to the disciples of John the Baptist and explaining why He does not adhere to their traditions but brings a new way, a man, who is noted as being a “ruler” (NKJV) or as in the (NIV) “a synagogue leader” …

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Matthew 9:14-17

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 9:14-17 Jesus has made a declaration of a new covenant which differs from the covenant of the Law.  Jesus has quoted Hosea 6:6 in announcing the new covenant (mercy) instead of the old covenant (sacrifice).  This was confusing not only to the Pharisees but to …

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Matthew 9:13

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 9:13 In the passage of Matthew 9:10-13 in which we studied in our previous lesson, is another very important lesson that is found in Matthew 9:13.  In Matthew 9:13 is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament; the difference between sacrifice and …

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Matthew 9:10-13

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 9:10-13 Jesus continues His shocking ways of teaching as He does something that no Jew, who, in seeking the God of heaven would have ever done – He sat down to eat with a group of tax collectors and sinners.  He associated with the worst …

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