Month: February 2022

Matthew 5:38-42

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 5:38-42 In Matthew 5:38-42 Jesus gives an example of being treated wrongly but focuses on not returning the wrongdoing with revenge.  He uses examples of the “Old Testament Law” from Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:12 to show that in a person’s treatment of another, …

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Matthew 5:33-37

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 5:33-37 We have learned from the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 42:9 (NKJV), “Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.”  In Matthew 5:17 Jesus declares, “Do not think that I came …

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Matthew 5:31-32

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 5:31-32 In Matthew 5:27-30 Jesus taught about ridding ourselves of sin addictions in our lives, and uses adultery as an example.  In Matthew 5:31-32 Jesus continues with the theme of adultery but in reference to divorce.  Moses had given permission for a man to divorce …

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Matthew 5:27-30

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 5:27-30 Jesus uses another example of having a pure heart in Matthew 5:27-30.  We may want to believe that this passage is simply referring to adultery and that as Jesus declares in Matthew 5:27-28 (NKJV), “You have heard that it was said to those of …

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Matthew 5:21-26

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE Matthew 5:21-26 As Jesus continues this sermon to His disciples, He brings into light the “New” way in which He is bringing into the earthly world for all who believe in Him.  He uses an example of the commandment to not murder (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17) …

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