Month: May 2021

James 5:1-6

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL James 5:1-6 As we begin today’s Bible study, I want to make note that this passage of Scripture, James 5:1-6 is not condemning those who have made a successful living financially.  This passage of Scripture is addressing those who have made a successful living financially by ways in …

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James 4:13-17

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 4:13-17 James instructs his hearers/readers that they should include God in their plans for today and for tomorrow.  This is to make sure that everyone is aware that God is in ultimate control and to assume that one will do something or go somewhere out …

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James 4:11-12

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 4:11-12 As we submit our lives to God in obedience of His commands, James now teaches us that we must follow God in our obedience to Him through our salvation in Christ Jesus as our lives should be a reflection of Him.  In this passage …

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