Month: May 2021

James 5:13b

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:13b In contrast to James 5:13a in which James asked if anyone is suffering, in James 5:13b he asks if anyone is cheerful.  James also gives instructions for those who are cheerful; he says that they should sing psalms.  This passage, as does James 5:13a, …

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James 5:13a

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:13a This next paragraph of James 5:13-18 is full of so much important information that we are going to have to break it down piece by piece so that we can study each important part and glean all that we can from it.  Today, we …

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James 5:12

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:12 James teaches us in James 5:12 to not swear.  But we already know that right?  We should not take the LORD’s name in vain.  This is one of the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy 5:11.  We must look closely at …

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James 5:9-11

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:9-11 James at first seems to change gears once again as he gives instruction to, “not grumble” (NKJV) with one another.  He also tells us that this leads to condemnation (James 5:9).  This too is a lesson in patience as being patient with one another …

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James 5:7-8

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ON YOUTUBE James 5:7-8  James begins verse 7 of chapter 5 with the word “Therefore” and is connecting it to the preceding section of James 5:1-6, which is referring to those who have gained riches in ways that are not respectful of our Savior Jesus Christ and God …

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