Month: April 2021

James 3:2-5a

CLICK HERE TO OPEN THE YOUTUBE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL James 3:2-5a   James begins this passage of James 3:2-5 (NKJV) by stating, “For we all stumble in many things.”  This statement refers back to the previous statement, but yet is a cover statement that is intended for all to hear and take heed.  This first half …

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James 3:1

CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL James 3:1 James gives instruction as he begins the third chapter of his letter to be cautious about becoming a teacher.  During the beginnings of the Church there were many issues with false teachings from those who were eager for fame, fortune, and diluting the gospel with their …

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James 2:25-26

CLICK HERE TO OPEN THE YOUTUBE VIDEO DEVOTIONAL James 2:25-26 The question quickly comes to mind of “Why would James use the example of a prostitute in his example of faith being justified by works?”  It just seems about as far out of place as one could get.  But that is exactly what James is …

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James 2:20-24

Click here to open the video devotional on YouTube. James 2:20-24 James is giving us a run of examples that show how faith and works, work together.  He gave us a great example of how believing in God by itself makes us no different than Satan and his demons.  And now he contrasts that with …

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James 2:19

Click here to open the Video Devotional James 2:19 James speaks directly to the heart of the matter of sin in James 2:19; he calls out those whose belief in God is superficial.  He states (NKJV), “You believe that there is one God.  You do well.  Even the demons believe – and tremble!  James draws …

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