2 Peter 2:20-22

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2 Peter 2:20-22

The Apostle Peter begins 2 Peter 2:20 in reflection of the previous verses, and as a continuance of verse 19 as the corruption that the false teachers trap innocent souls in also has their own souls caught in the same trap.  But Peter brings more out of this teaching, in that, for those who have a knowledge of the saving power of Jesus, and yet fall back into the sinful ways of this world, are in fact worse off than if they had not ever known of Jesus.  The key word in this verse is knowledge, and the point that Peter is making is that salvation in Jesus comes not by simply gaining knowledge, but acting on that knowledge in opening one’s heart to the saving power of Jesus and asking His forgiveness for dying for them and paying their price due to their sins.  Peter says in verse 21, “21For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.”  He then quotes Proverbs 26:11 as a reflection of those who, having the knowledge of how to be cleansed of sin, do not act on that knowledge and return to the ways of the sinful nature.


This is a promise that having knowledge of the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not enough to save you – you must act on that knowledge and ask Jesus’ forgiveness in repentance from sin to a new life in Christ Jesus.


If I feel that God has given me this ministry (which I do) but never type the first word or record any videos to share with you, then the ministry does not exist.  Simply knowing what God has put in my heart to do (having the knowledge of it) is simply not enough; I must act on the knowledge that God has given me in doing my part of this ministry that not only I, but you also may grow in our relationships with God through our salvation in Christ Jesus.  Knowledge is simply not enough – it’s only the beginning.


Dear LORD,

The Apostle Peter makes it clear in this passage that having knowledge of Jesus and of salvation in Him is simply not enough to save us.  We must act on that knowledge and ask Jesus’ forgiveness for our sins in the knowledge that He has already paid the price for our sins in His death on the cross.  But in so doing, we must also accept the knowledge that He has also risen from the grave in victory over sin, death, and Satan; that we may join Him in celebrating victory in Him for our salvation.  We must act in repenting from sin and seeking each day to celebrate our new life in Christ Jesus and share our testimony and the gospel with others that they too might join in the victory of salvation in our Savior, the Savior of the world, Jesus.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.